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The Best Fiverr Gigs to Start and Grow Your Business

The Best Fiverr Gigs to Start and Grow Your Business

This post will look at some of the best Fiverr gigs you can buy to help you get your side hustle business up and running on the cheap. 

This is ideal for bootstrappers who don't have a lot of money to play with!

Photo by Mkt247

Fiverr is an incredible resource for entrepreneurial buyers in addition to being an excellent place to start your side hustle as a seller of goods and services. 

Fiverr began as "the $5 marketplace," and while many of the gigs listed below still have that low introductory price, the site has progressed to higher-value services.

Fiverr Gigs for Before You Launch

There are some great Fiverr gigs that can set you up for success before you even start your business.

1. Company Name  (logo)
In fact, quite a bit! A company name can convey what you do, such as "Gabby's House Cleaning," or it can be more abstract, such as Amazon. 

2. Market Analysis 
Before you enter any new market, it's probably a good idea to know what you're getting into. You wouldn't want to jump into an empty swimming pool, would you? 

3. Plan of Action/ Business Plan
Each plan includes the following elements: 
  • Executive Summary 
  • Analysis of the Market and Competition In conclusion 
  • Marketing Plan (4 P’s)
  • Summary of Strategy and Implementation (Your competitive edge) 
and much more...

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Fiverr Gigs to Set Up Your Business

The real fun begins once you've completed your business plan, researched the market, and decided on a name. 

Now, I'll go on record as saying that things like logos and business cards are probably not what you should focus on at the start (get a customer instead! ), but if checking these items off your list gives you the confidence to move forward, by all means go for it!

Website Set-Up & Website Design

Different people may have different interpretations of what it means to set up a website. I'm a bit of a do-it-yourselfer, and it's actually quite simple and inexpensive to set up your own site with WordPress.

Optimizing Your Website

There are a lot of technically qualified sellers and web developers on Fiverr who are willing to do small jobs and website tweaks for $5.

Custom Logo Design 

A top-rated Fiverr seller, has created thousands of custom logo designs for as little as $5. 

You can look through their portfolio to get a sense of their design style before ordering a logo to represent your company.

Photo by alexone0100 in his gig for Logo Design

Business Cards

Even in today's digital age, if your business relies on meeting potential clients or partners in person, business cards are still essential.

Fiverr Gigs for Marketing

There are a ton of marketing professionals freelancing on Fiverr and I’ve used several to create social media and video assets for my sites.

  • Social Media Images
  • Marketing Consultation
  • Video Intros
  • Infographics

Fiverr Gigs for Administrative Support

Sometimes you're faced with a one-time question or project and don't know where to turn. If the work does not warrant a full-time hire or even an ongoing part-time position, it may be worthwhile to see what you can get done on Fiverr.

  • Virtual Assistants
  • Tax Questions
  • Legal Questions

Fiverr Gigs for Podcasters

A few Fiverr Gigs you might think about when starting your podcast to make it sound better, look more professional in iTunes, and better serve your listeners.

  • Podcast Cover Art
  • Transcription
  • Audio Editing
  • Voice Over

 Create a profile on Fiverr by clicking this link!

Fiverr Gigs for Authors

Fiverr is a great resource for self-publishing authors who want to polish their rough draft into something that will top the Amazon charts.

  • Book Cover Design
  • Proofreading
  • Audio Book Production
  • Book Promotion

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Fiverr Gigs for E-Commerce Sellers

Whether you have your own e-commerce store or sell private label products on Amazon, there are a number of Fiverr services that can help you increase your sales.

  • Product Descriptions
  • Product Packaging Design
  • Product Photography
  • Product Video

What NOT to Buy on Fiverr

While there are many services available on Fiverr that will benefit your business, there are some to avoid.

Traffic (SEO)

Several gigs promise tens of thousands of “real” visitors to your website in just a few days or hours.
I'm not sure how these gigs work, but one thing is certain: this influx of traffic will not result in any sales or long-term readers.
Similarly, you could buy thousands of followers for your social media accounts in the past, but Fiverr appears to have cracked down on these worthless gigs.

Content (Unless from Fiverr Pro)

I'll admit that the promise of cheap article writing on Fiverr drew me in, but I've come to believe that you get what you pay for when it comes to writing.

All of the articles I received needed editing (some more than others), but as Google has improved, I believe it is best to either write something awesome yourself or hire yourself a great writer.

At least, that's my opinion; I haven't discovered any shortcuts to great content that truly drives results.

It's Now Your Turn 

Of course, this is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of the numerous useful services available on Fiverr. If you don't find what you're looking for through normal browsing, you can search for gigs using keywords or create your own gig request and post it to the seller community. 

Do your homework and remember that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

There are a lot of gigs that don't provide much value at all, so pay attention to the feedback and work with sellers who are serious about their Fiverr reputation.

Which of these Fiverr gigs is your favorite?

What has given you the most value for your business? Any non-spammy suggestions in the comments section are welcome.


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