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15 Ways to Promote Your Business/Company Online (2022 Guide)

 Determine the best ways to promote your company in order to distinguish yourself from the competition.

With over 4.2 billion internet users worldwide, promoting your business online isn't just important—a it's requirement for presenting key information to your target audience, increasing demand for your products or services, and generating leads and sales for your company.

But here's the thing: successful online promotion isn't as simple as sharing a few social media posts, writing a quick blog post, or sending an email. If you truly want your online promotion to be successful, you must broaden your search and comprehend the fundamental components of your marketing strategy, such as who, what, where, why, and how.

You're not alone if you've ever promoted your business online in the hopes of increasing traffic and leads but had little to no success. Up to 66% of businesses fail to meet these targets, leaving them to wonder, "What am I doing wrong?"

Fortunately, help is on the way, in this guide, you'll learn about the most effective ways to market your business online and reap the incredible benefits that come with it.

Here are 15 ideas for online business promotion.

1. Create a winning strategy (SWOT analysis).

You'll need to develop a successful online strategy before you start actively marketing your business online. The best way to do this is to conduct a SWOT analysis, which is a popular marketing technique for evaluating four key aspects of your business: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

"Strengths and Weaknesses" refer to your company's internal factors, such as assets, processes, people, and anything else related to the organization.

"Opportunities and Threats," on the other hand, refer to external factors like your competition, market, and overall economy.

To conduct your SWOT analysis, consider and respond to the following questions:

  • What do you excel at?
  • What unique resources do you have?
  • What do others think your strongest points are?
  • What could you do better?
  • What areas of your life do you have fewer resources than others?
  • What are others likely to perceive as a flaw?
  • What opportunities are available to you?
  • What trends could you capitalize on?
  • What steps can you take to turn your strengths into opportunities?
  • What dangers could you face?
  • What are your competitors up to?
  • What dangers do your flaws expose you to?

2. Establish your marketing objectives.

Have you ever heard the phrase "begin with the end in mind?" This quote could not be more accurate when it comes to online business promotion. The first step in any successful online marketing campaign is to understand your goal; specifically, what you hope to achieve through your online marketing efforts. This also assists you in determining which KPIs (key performance indicators) you must monitor to determine whether the outcome was successful or not.

Remember that your goals should be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Answer the following questions to help you define your SMART goal:

  • What do I hope to achieve?
  • Why is this goal important to my company?
  • Who is involved in this?
  • Where will this happen?
  • What resources are at stake?
  • How much do we want to make (in terms of sales, profit, and so on)?
  • How many do we want to achieve (number of subscriptions, sales, website visitors, etc.)?
  • How will I know when these targets have been met?
  • How will this goal be achieved?
  • How realistic is this goal in light of potential constraints such as finances, resources, and so on?
  • Is this consistent with our other business efforts and requirements?
  • Is it a worthwhile endeavor?
  • Is the timing appropriate in light of the current socioeconomic environment?
  • Is it my (or specific people within the company/outside assistance) responsibility to achieve this goal?
  • When will we begin and end the promotion?
  • How long will it take to achieve our goals?
  • What can I do today to help me achieve this goal? In six weeks? In six months?
Here are three common online marketing objectives that may be relevant to your company's objectives:

#1. To convey information. The first step in an online campaign is to educate potential customers about a product or service, such as what it is, where it is available, how it will benefit them, how much it costs, and why it is superior to competing products. Buyers prefer to feel informed when making purchasing decisions, and digital marketing is an excellent strategy for accomplishing this.

#2. To boost demand. Demand is a customer's desire to buy a product or service, especially when they have the means to do so at a reasonable price. Discount coupons, contests/giveaways, product samples, celebrity endorsements, and rewards programs are all promotional strategies for increasing demand that can be advertised online. The goal is to create buzz and excitement about a product or service in order to increase customer demand.

#3. Creating leads and sales. When promoting a product or service, 85% of B2B marketers say lead generation is their most important goal. A lead is any person who expresses an interest in a company's products or services by submitting personal information in exchange for an email subscription, free trial, survey, or download. Creating leads is a great reason to use online marketing, especially since the more leads you have, the more potential sales you can make for your company.

 3. Evaluate your top competitors' performance 

Prior to launching your marketing campaign, research your competitors to gain a competitive advantage. It assists you in identifying potential shortcuts to success (i.e. what has worked well for them) while reducing the risk of failure. Second, it will allow you to evaluate your company's strengths and weaknesses in comparison to the competition.

When analyzing your online competitors, consider the following:
  • What are your competitors' differentiating features (USPs)?
  • What kinds of products or services are the most popular, and at what price points?
  • What traffic sources do they use to acquire customers (e.g., direct traffic, referral URLs, search engines, campaigns)?
  • Is there any paid advertising? If so, where do they advertise? What websites or social media platforms do they use?
  • What search terms are they currently ranking for (or attempting to rank for)?
  • How are their marketing funnels laid out? How are they attempting to generate leads and sales?

4. Determine your target audience.

If you don't know who you want to promote your business to, your marketing efforts will be less targeted, leading to disappointment and unsuccessful promotional campaigns.

In the modern world of business, it is useless to be a creative, original thinker unless you can also sell what you create. "David Ogilvy"

Your target audience is a specific group of people who are most likely to purchase your products or services and who frequently share several characteristics (such as age, interests, etc.). The more specific you are about your target audience, the better you will understand how and where to reach your best prospects.

To determine your target audience, consider the following:
  • Is my ideal customer a man or a woman?
  • What age range do they fall into?
  • Where do they call home? (For example, in a specific city, country, or hemisphere? In rural or urban areas?
  • What is their line of work? What kind of job might they have?
  • How much money do they make? Are they low-, middle-, or high-income?
  • What is their educational level?
  • What are their hobbies and interests?
  • What is the most important thing to them in life? What specific objectives might they have?
  • What difficulties do they face?
  • What motivates them to purchase a product or service? What obstacles must they first overcome?
  • Where does my target audience spend the majority of their online time?
  • How does my target customer intend to use my product/service? Would they buy it for themselves or as a gift for someone they care about?

5. Speak with a marketing strategist 

Once you've defined your goals for online marketing your business, it will be much easier to consult with a digital marketing specialist to determine when, where, and how these goals can be met.

The marketing strategist's role is to define the best inbound marketing strategy for your company, as well as to create a final and detailed digital marketing plan that covers aspects of promotion such as:
  • online distribution channels
  • funnel of sales
  • strategies
  • KPIs that must be measured in order to determine a successful outcome
When it comes to online marketing, a marketing strategist is the best person to contact because they are extremely knowledgeable about all types of paid and non-paid inbound marketing strategies. They not only develop the most effective online marketing strategy for your company's specific goals, but they also do so while keeping important factors in mind, such as budget and how to achieve the highest ROI in the shortest amount of time. Furthermore, they can point you in the direction of which specific experts you will need to consult in order to achieve these objectives.

6. Establish your marketing budget.

Because every business is unique, there is no "one size fits all" figure for determining your marketing budget. As a result, defining a budget is frequently regarded as the most difficult aspect of developing an online marketing strategy plan; however, with the right assistance and expertise, it doesn't have to be.

Remember how we talked about the significance of a marketing strategist in the previous step? When discussing your company's online promotion goals, your marketing strategist will give you a better idea of how much you can expect to spend on these promotional methods, as well as how you should divide your budget among different channels.

According to research, total marketing budgets typically range between 8 and 16% of a company's total revenue, with the average company allocating 45% of their total marketing budget to online promotional methods.

A marketing strategist will consider a variety of factors to help them determine your required budget for online promotion, such as:
  • the cost of creating required content for SEM, such as blog articles, landing pages, or banners
  • target keyword cost-per-acquisition
  • hidden costs such as hiring freelance experts or purchasing necessary software or tools
Along with hiring a marketing strategist, another key to sticking to your budget is to keep your campaign simple. SEM, retargeting, and social media ads are becoming increasingly complex, with campaigns costing thousands (or, in some cases, millions) of dollars. SEO, for example, is a much more affordable form of online promotion that largely only requires the cost of hiring an SEO expert.

Again, a marketing strategist will advise you on which promotional methods are not only the most cost-effective, but also meet your objectives and provide the highest ROI in the shortest amount of time.

7. Establish KPIs for your various channels.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are used to assess the success of your campaigns. The most common KPIs to track across the various inbound channels are listed below.

#1. Social media marketing
  • The total number of clicks
  • the number of likes
  • Shares available
  • The total number of comments
  • Followers who are active (and new)
#2. Mobile marketing
  • CPA (cost per acquisition) (cost per acquisition)
  • RR (Retention rate) (Retention rate)
  • Revenue from sales
  • Return on advertising investment (ROAS)
#3. Pay-per-click/search engine marketing
  • CPA (cost-per-acquisition) (cost-per-acquisition)
  • CTR (click-through-rate) (click-through-rate)
  • Rate of conversion
  • CPC (cost per click) (cost per click)
#4. SEO
  • The number of page views
  • Rankings of keywords (both, increases or decreases)
  • Average session length
  • the total number of natural backlinks
  • Click-through-rate (CTR) (CTR)
#5: Retargeting/re marketing via email
  • Total number of clicks
  • CTC (click-to-conversion) rate
  • Return on advertising investment (ROAS)
  • Total number of conversions
  • Rate of click-through (CTR)
  • Affiliate marketing is number six.
  • Count of new affiliates
  • Total number of new customers
  • Order value on average
  • Earnings per click on average
  • Click-through traffic

8. Create a blog.

Make sure you have a well-designed, professional website to direct potential customers to, as well as a blog full of useful posts to keep them coming back.

Companies that blog receive 55% more web traffic and 67% more leads than companies that do not blog. Blogs provide your audience with useful, shareable content while also establishing your company as an industry authority. Blogs also help your site's chances of appearing in Google search results, giving prospective customers another way to find your company.

Tip: Don't turn off comments on your blog. Allowing blog comments encourages people to interact with your company, which aids in the development of trusting and long-term relationships.

9. Make use of social media.

Because 55% of buyers conduct research on social media before making a purchase, you'll want to make sure your company is promoted on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and others. Determine which platforms your target audience is most active on, and then tailor your promotion strategies to each of them (with the assistance of a social media marketing expert).

10. Begin email marketing campaigns.

Email marketing is still one of the most effective forms of online promotion, with 91% of shoppers preferring to hear from companies with whom they do business via this medium. Emails are also the most widely used form of CRM (Customer Relationship Management), allowing brands to reach their target audience through targeted email campaigns, regular newsletters, and other demand-increasing promotional methods such as sales and giveaways.

Build Your Email List Faster with Lead Magnet Funnels

11. Use videos to promote your company.

When done correctly, video marketing is regarded as a highly effective online strategy. Videos typically cover niche topics with an engaged, passionate audience. As a result, making a good first impression can help you establish your company as an authority in these fields, allowing you to attract leads and convert them into customers.

12. Respond to questions and provide solutions.

Sites like Quora and Reddit enable users to respond to questions from other members of the community. The goal is for users to notice your high-quality, authoritative answers and follow outbound links to your webpage, where they will find more useful content as well as your related products or services.

Help a Reporter (HARO) is another useful Q&A platform that connects journalists with credible expert sources in a variety of fields, including small business owners. Simply respond to a HARO request related to your niche, and if you're quoted as a source, you'll establish yourself as an industry leader and potentially spread the word about your unique products or services.

13. SEO-optimize your website.

Your website serves as your online storefront in today's increasingly digital world. Almost half of all buyers will visit a company's website before making a purchasing decision, so make sure it has a professional, eye-catching, and engaging design, as well as being free of spelling and grammatical errors.

If you want your website to be found, get traffic, and generate leads, all of its pages must be SEO-optimized. Otherwise, search crawlers will be unable to find, index, and rank your website.

Nowadays, SEO is a highly technical online strategy that requires specific knowledge and skills; therefore, hiring a professional SEO expert whose responsibility it will be to find the key keywords for which your website should rank, and strategically implement them within your pages' Meta Tags for search engines' relevancy is a good idea to help you save money and time.

14. Increase your traffic by using forum marketing.

When done correctly, promoting your business through forums is regarded as a highly effective online strategy. Forums typically cover niche topics with an engaged, passionate audience. As a result, making a good first impression can help you establish your company as an authority in these fields, allowing you to attract leads and convert them into customers.

Look for forums that have at least 1,000 members and 10,000 posts, get several new posts every day, and aren't overrun with spam.

15. Track and analyze your key performance indicators (KPIs).

The final step is to monitor and analyze the results of your marketing campaign, including tracking KPIs, to determine whether it was successful or not. Your KPIs will be determined by the type of campaign you launched as well as your company's specific goals. Consider the following:
  • Did we meet our key performance indicators?
  • Did we achieve the specific goal(s) we set for ourselves?
  • What was the return on investment? Is this more, less, or the same as expected?
  • What did we do particularly well?
  • What could we have done differently?
  • Should we call this campaign a success or a failure? Why?

Clothing Thoughts

While there are numerous options for marketing your business online, they all share one feature: digital marketing is a highly effective way to present information to your target audience, increase demand for your products or services, and generate leads and sales for your company.

There is no 'one size fits all' approach to promoting your business through online campaigns. To meet your KPIs and provide an excellent ROI, the online promotion methods you choose should be specifically tailored to your business, including your goals, target audience persona, and budget.

There may appear to be a lot involved in online marketing, but you're not alone. With numerous marketing experts at your disposal, as well as our comprehensive and step-by-step guide to promoting your business online in 2022 -2023, you're already well on your way to success.
