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The Government Will Seize All Cryptocurrencies: Rich Dad, Poor Dad


Rich Father, Poor Father Author Robert Kiyosaki has caused a stir with a depressing series of tweets to his 1.5 million followers. "We are in the biggest bubble in world history," one person said. Stock market, real estate, commodity, and oil bubbles... In the future, there could be a depression accompanied by hyperinflation."

Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter co-wrote the now-famous book in 1997. More than 32 million copies have been sold after more than six years on the New York Times Best Seller List. It has been translated into 52 languages and is available in at least 110 countries.

Plan B is to become an entrepreneur. He advises staying out of the stock market, creating your own assets, and using debt as currency. He criticizes the Biden administration in Washington, blaming them and the Federal Reserve for high inflation and the destruction of the US dollar.

Perhaps his most contentious recent message was that bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies would be confiscated and "folded into government crypto."

Kiyosaki's crypto forecast has been widely panned in the crypto community and elsewhere. He's been a supporter of bitcoin for some time, and this change of heart could indicate a growing awareness of what's going on behind the scenes.

Tyranny has reared its ugly head once more, this time in the West. If experts like Kiyosaki express concerns about outright theft of people's money, we should not dismiss them out of hand due to irrelevant party loyalties. Both the left and the right bear the burden of authoritarians, and both are equally dangerous.

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The Most Profitable Investment Is...

Something Kiyosaki is overlooking is the significance of bitcoin's rise. Tyranny is easy to see because we've seen it before. What is more difficult to see is the vision of liberty that bitcoin brings us closer to. Fear tempts us to reject the very things that could set us free! This has been the case since the dawn of civilization, and we still haven't figured out how to do it properly.

The solution is to stop being afraid of control freaks. There is nothing they can do if a large number of people use bitcoin. We may have already reached "enough." Invest in a world free of tyranny.


The author's or anyone else's views or opinions expressed in this article are for informational purposes only and do not constitute financial, investment, or other advice. Investing in or trading in crypto assets carries a financial risk.


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