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Selling to Women vs. Men: 6 Key Differences. (Yes, gender does play a role)

Is there a difference between selling to men and selling to women in 2021?

When selling products or services to men, different approaches should be taken than when selling to women. Men and women, as they are said to be from Mars and Venus, think very differently, and their thinking should be influenced by different methods.

For example, when a man decides to buy a car, he looks for the most recent model, speed, mileage, and so on. However, when a woman goes car shopping, she will select a vehicle based on its color. She would like it to match her work dress or accessories such as her watch, and she will be concerned about whether there is enough space to store her necessities. 

                                                                       Photo by Milo Miloezger on Unsplash

They should be persuaded to buy a product in a variety of ways.The importance of presentation cannot be overstated. When talking to a male client, the salesperson doesn't have to worry about his appearance or cleanliness. It's fine if he doesn't have the necessary paperwork and his sleeves are folded. When referring to a female client, however, the same salesperson should be spotless from head to toe.

His hair should be properly combed, his nails should be manicured, and his shoes should be well-polished. The salesperson should be prepared ahead of time with all necessary documents and not rush in front of the customer. Women strive for perfection.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash   
When speaking in front of a female customer, use extra caution.Women are better listeners, and they will scrutinize every word said to them. Because women are naturally drawn to emotions, the conversation should be filled with them. For example, when selling clothes to a lady, tell her how you feel bad for her if she has to sweat excessively in the summer due to the nature of her job. Choose a nice cotton dress for her and invite her to try it on.

The customer will be deeply moved and will take less time to purchase the product. If she is emotionally won, you have completed 75% of the job.  

The following point to remember is to never stop talking in front of a female customer. When the salesperson stops talking, she will begin to think deeply about the product and will begin to examine every detail of the product, giving it a second thought. Multitasking is a skill that women have.

They will be able to listen while also reading the manual. So keep her involved in a variety of activities at the same time. A man lacks the talent of multi-tasking. If a male client becomes involved in something else, stop speaking immediately because he will be unable to concentrate on both and will become confused. 

Another thing to keep in mind is that having a woman salesperson handle a male client is not a good idea. Men are bad listeners and women talk a lot. The woman salesperson will go on and on about the product, while the man will just nod his head, as if he doesn't understand what she's saying. They won't be able to express whether they understand the point or not.

Photo by Can yılmaz on Unsplash   

A woman client, on the other hand, can easily express how closely she has followed. Even if they don't say anything, her facial expressions will reveal everything. When dealing with a female customer, a salesperson should be aware of the client's facial expressions. If she appears to be perplexed or uninterested, try a different approach.

Men clients can be persuaded to understand the product by drawing the product's appearance with a simple pen and paper. Men are particularly good at visualizing three-dimensional images of the product being discussed. Women, on the other hand, are not so good at this. The sample or the actual product should be shown to her to give her a clear picture.

It's a good idea to compliment a male customer. He'll be overworked, but he'll take it in stride. A woman, on the other hand, is a careful listener, so any compliment should be given with caution. Any phony compliment will be detected right away.

Remember that in a direct sales situation, women do not "go on and on." They can confirm that they can read facial expressions and body language. They know how to be quiet and wait for a response, whether positive or negative!
