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Fitness Hacks to Help You Stay Fit

Fitness Hacks to Help You Stay Fit

Health professionals are well aware of the advantages of regular exercise and increased fitness. It's difficult to find time to exercise and stay in shape when we have so many commitments and responsibilities on our plates. Here are 9 great fitness hacks to improve your quality of life by helping you manage your time and take care of your body and mind.

1.While watching TV, do quick sets of exercises.

Get your TV show fix while also getting a workout in. There is no reason why you should be unable to find time to exercise. Lack of time is the most common excuse for not exercising, but most of us watch TV on a regular basis.

Do you have a commercial break? To begin, do ten pushups or any number you want. If possible, work your way up to 10-15. Is there yet another commercial break? Push yourself to do another set of push-ups. Do another set after that. Continue with three sets of sit-ups or crunches, and you've completed your workout!

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

2.Continue to dance—the it's most enjoyable of all fitness hacks.

If you haven't already, start dancing as a way to get a quick workout at home. 
You don't need any special fitness equipment, and it's a lot of fun! 
Most importantly, you can do it at home with no one watching your dance moves!! 
Alternatively, go out and get your groove on.

Put on your favorite music, including the playlist you just made. 
Then get up and dance! Dance for a couple of songs, then take a 5-minute break 
before continuing to dance for a few more. Make time for a 20- to 30-minute 
dance session.

Some of the benefits of dancing are as follows:
  • Increased self-esteem and confidence
  • Increased muscle mass and strength
  • Weight that is healthy
  • Increased aerobic fitness, muscle strength, endurance, and motor skills
  • Your heart and lungs are in better shape.
  • Stronger bones mean a lower risk of developing osteoporosis. 
  • Coordination and agility improvements
  • Balance and flexibility have improved.

3.Bodyweight Exercises

People are finding new ways to exercise and are having trouble finding time to go
to the gym. Without a gym, however, you can do simple and effective full-body
workouts at home. With bodyweight exercises, you can put together a great workout that will get you in shape and keep you there.Begin with basic body weight exercises like push-ups, sit-up ab crunches,
planks, squats, leg lunges, and pull-upsTo get the best results, mix and match exercises.

Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

Do upper body workout exercises one day and lower body workout exercises the next. 
Then do ab and core exercises on another machine. Alternatively, combine all exercises for a full-body workout. 
If you haven't exercised in years, or if you haven't exercised at all. 
Then you should begin with simple 1 or 2 exercise workouts.

4.Make fitness a part of your daily routine.

It will become second nature if you incorporate fitness into your daily routine. 
It will be simple to squeeze in a workout here and there to help you get and stay 
in shape. It can become a good habit once you figure out what types of exercise you 
enjoy and what days and times work best for you.Commit to going for a run in the evenings at a park on your way home 
from work if it fits your lifestyle.Prepare your running gear the night before and bring it to work with 
you so you won't be held back.

5.Climb The Stairs

                                                        Photo by Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash
Daily physical activity is an essential component of any successful fitness plan, 
regardless of your fitness goals. One of the most basic fitness hacks is to 
take the stairs whenever you have the opportunity.

Rather than taking the elevator at work, take the stairs.Instead of taking the
 escalator or the stairs at the shopping center, take the stairs. 
Do you live in an elevator-equipped condominium complex? 
Instead, take the stairwell. It's simple.

The following are some of the advantages of taking the stairs:
  • Assists in weight loss 
  • Increases muscle strength
  • It benefits one's overall health.
  • It improves endurance.

7.Improve Your Abs With This Simple Fitness Tip

Consider the traditional plank exercise. Only thing missing is some movement to take
 it up a notch. Lift one arm at a time and reach forward from the classic plank position.
 Then there was the other arm. For a one-minute plank, repeat this 10 times on each 
side. For a 30 second plank, repeat 5 times each.

One leg should be raised and swung to the side. Then switch to the opposite leg. 
For a one-minute plank, do 10 reps on each side. This will increase the intensity of 
your ab workout. You'll feel a burn like you've never felt before, and your core will 

8.Don't Forget To Stretch

You increase your chances of injuring yourself during training if you don't stretch. 
One of the most under-appreciated workout life hacks is this. Stretch properly before
 and after each workout for a few minutes. Stretch and warm up for a few minutes.
before each workout and to cool down and stretch after each workout, even if you 
only have 30 minutes in the gym. It will be beneficial to your body.

9.Increase Your Sleep Time

If you're like the majority of us, you could benefit from more sleep. The benefits of sleep have been well documented, and getting enough sleep is essential for good health. So, an hour before bedtime, turn off all electronic devices and make sure your sleeping area is cool and comfortable.

                                                          Photo by Matheus Vinicius on Unsplash

Avoid drinking too close to bedtime to avoid having to get up in the middle of the night for a bathroom break. 

The following are some of the advantages of getting enough sleep:
  • Reduce your risk of developing serious health issues.
  • Improves concentration and memory
  • Improve your interpersonal relationships.
  • Muscle recovery and repair are improved.
  • Controlling Your Weight
  • Immune system that is stronger
  • Diabetes risk is reduced when stress is reduced.
  • Produces the hormone growth.
How much rest do we require? The following are general recommendations based on age:
  • 14-17 hours for newborns to 3 months.
  • 12-15 hours for babies up to 11 months.
  • 9-15 hours for children under the age of two.
  • Children under the age of five: 10-13 hours
  • 9-11 hours for children under the age of 13
  • Teenagers aged 13 to 17: 10 hours per day.
  • Adults should get 7-9 hours of sleep per day.
  • Adults 65 and older should get 7-8 hours of sleep per day.

Final Thoughts

Make this year the best one you've ever had! Take charge of your health and 
happiness. Use these fitness hacks as a starting point for bettering your overall 
quality of life. Which one of these fitness hacks is your favorite?

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