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Mastering the Art of Crafting Neapolitan Pizza Margherita: A Step-by-Step Guide

There's something truly magical about the simplicity of a Neapolitan Pizza Margherita. With just a handful of high-quality ingredients and a deep understanding of the craft, you can create a pizza that embodies the essence of Italian cuisine. In this guide, we'll take you through the process of making a Pizza Margherita like a true Neapolitan pizza chef, along with an authentic recipe that will transport your taste buds to the streets of Naples.

                                                       Photo by Ivan Torres on Unsplash

Understanding the Neapolitan Tradition

Before diving into the recipe, it's important to understand the essence of Neapolitan pizza. Neapolitan pizza is characterized by its thin, soft, and chewy crust with slightly charred edges. It's cooked quickly in a wood-fired oven at extremely high temperatures, resulting in a delightful balance of flavors and textures.

Ingredients You'll Need:

For the Dough:

- 500g Italian "00" flour

- 325ml lukewarm water

- 10g sea salt

- 3g active dry yeast

- Pinch of sugar

For the Sauce:

- 400g San Marzano tomatoes (canned)

- Salt to taste

- Fresh basil leaves

For Topping:

- Fresh mozzarella cheese (preferably buffalo mozzarella)

- Fresh basil leaves

- Extra-virgin olive oil

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Prepare the Dough:

- In a bowl, dissolve the active dry yeast and sugar in the lukewarm water. Let it sit for about 5-10 minutes until frothy.

- Mix the flour and sea salt in a large mixing bowl. Create a well in the center and pour in the yeast mixture.

- Using your hands or a wooden spoon, gradually incorporate the flour into the liquid until a shaggy dough forms.

- Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and knead for about 8-10 minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic.

- Place the dough in a lightly oiled bowl, cover it with a damp cloth, and let it rise for 1.5 to 2 hours, or until it doubles in size.

2. Prepare the Sauce:

- While the dough is rising, prepare the sauce. Crush the San Marzano tomatoes with your hands and add a pinch of salt. Let the mixture sit for the flavors to meld.

3. Shape and Assemble:

- Preheat your oven to its highest setting (usually around 500°C or 900°F) with a pizza stone or baking steel inside, if available.

- Once the dough has risen, turn it out onto a floured surface and gently shape it into a round disc using your fingertips. Be sure to leave a thicker border around the edges for the characteristic Neapolitan crust.

- Transfer the shaped dough to a pizza peel or an inverted baking sheet dusted with flour or semolina.

- Spread a thin layer of the tomato sauce over the dough, leaving the borders untouched.

- Tear the fresh mozzarella into small pieces and distribute them evenly over the sauce.

- Drizzle a bit of extra-virgin olive oil over the top.

4. Bake and Serve:

- Carefully slide the assembled pizza onto the preheated pizza stone or baking steel in the oven.

- Bake for about 90 seconds to 2 minutes, or until the crust is puffed up and slightly charred.

- Using a pizza peel, remove the pizza from the oven and let it cool for a minute.

- Sprinkle fresh basil leaves over the hot pizza.

- Drizzle a bit more extra-virgin olive oil before serving.

5. Enjoy the Neapolitan Delight:

- Slice your masterpiece and savor the harmony of flavors, from the chewy crust to the sweet tomato sauce and the creamy mozzarella. 

Tips from the Pros:

- High-Quality Ingredients: The key to a perfect Neapolitan Pizza Margherita lies in the ingredients. Use authentic Italian "00" flour, San Marzano tomatoes, and fresh buffalo mozzarella for the best results.

- Hot Oven:The high heat of a wood-fired oven contributes to the unique texture and flavor of Neapolitan pizza. If you don't have a wood-fired oven, a baking steel or pizza stone in a regular oven set to its highest temperature can achieve a similar effect.

- Minimalist Approach: Less is more when it comes to Neapolitan pizza. Stick to a simple combination of sauce, cheese, and fresh basil leaves.

- Quick Cooking Time: Neapolitan pizza cooks quickly, so keep a close eye on it to avoid overcooking. The crust should be slightly charred and blistered.

- Practice Makes Perfect: Becoming a true Neapolitan pizza chef takes practice. Don't be discouraged if your first attempts aren't perfect – each bake brings you closer to mastering this culinary art.

With this guide and recipe in hand, you're well on your way to creating an authentic Neapolitan Pizza Margherita that will impress friends and family alike. Embrace the tradition, embrace the simplicity, and embrace the art of pizza making!



1 comment
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  1. Thanks for sharing this recipe, I will try it ☺️


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