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How can social media users have a more positive experience?

Social media is one of the most popular topics among today's youth. Aside from that, we are all living in a globalization era in which social media plays an important role. Because of revolutionary globalization, the world appears to be a small village. People can communicate with one another. 
We can share our daily lives and emotions with people from all over the world through social media. There are numerous advantages to using social media. At the same time, social media critics have identified numerous negative effects of social media in our lives thus far. These are not encouraging signs for our next generation. We must discover how social media can only be used for good.

How Social Media Affects Our Lives Negatively?

We all know that every innovation has both positive and negative aspects. We must choose which side we will work for our own benefit. The young generation, on the other hand, is the primary victim of social media. The younger generation will not always be able to judge what is best or worst for them. 

As a regular social media user, I believe the authorities should work on some features to increase the positivity rate of social media. Personally, I use a variety of social media platforms. However, I spend more time on Facebook (Meta). It's a well-known social media platform. This platform is used by a large number of people all over the world on a daily basis.

But, unfortunately, our young generation is obsessed with it. Teenagers spend hours after hours without pause. They waste a lot of time chatting with their friends and buddies, uploading photos, and interacting through likes, comments, and sharing. 

They do not adhere to any time management or regulation when they begin navigating Facebook (Meta). If you ask them what the point of using social media is! The majority of children would not have a positive response. Indeed, social media has evolved into an information-sharing platform. Teenagers use this site to access their academic information and data, among other things. However, once they become addicted to the social media platform, they are unable to focus on anything else. It is, indeed, a source of concern.

What features can I suggest for the benefit of social media users?

As a Facebook (Meta) user, I've been considering ways to improve for a long time. How we can make good use of this platform. How this platform can benefit people, particularly our youth. I've considered some possibilities, which I've listed below. If we can include these, I believe we will be able to lead a positive social network while also saving our young generation from destruction. The concepts are as follows:
  • Time Limiting Function.
  • Strict Detection Algorithm.
  • Influencer Authentication.
  • Photo editor for professionals.

Time Limiting Function:

The Facebook (Meta) feed is appealing. That is why people continue to scroll and scroll. As a result, we're wasting our time here. This is something that our younger generation does at random. 

Though Facebook (Meta) has already implemented the time-limit feature, I believe it could be more beneficial. If the feature works as intended, every young person under the age of 18 can only have a Facebook (Meta) account if at least one guardian is added as a time monitoring authority. As a result, the guardian will be able to customize their Facebook browsing time (Meta).

Strict Detection Algorithm:

Facebook (Meta) is not only a social media platform, but it is also associated with the e-commerce industry. Nowadays, many people use multiple identities to defraud ordinary people. Many unpredictability cyber crimes occur as a result of multiple or fictitious identities. As a result, people are unsure whether they should interact with strangers. As a result, I propose a single identity and account rule, as well as a strict identification feature. It will improve the platform's professionalism and dependability.

Influencer Authentication:

We, as social media users, are well aware of how much influencer marketing tempts us to make online purchases. Their connection to the brand, as well as their feedback, motivate us. However, some influencers believe they can profit by duping their audiences. Because their relationship with the brand they choose is fictitious. As a result, many people lose money and receive no product in return. As a result, Facebook (Meta) should assume responsibility for providing authentic influencers to the audience. The features that verify the relationship between the brand and the influencer should be used by the authority.

Photo editor for professionals:

Who doesn't enjoy sharing pictures on social media? It is something that everyone does. 

Top-notch photos, on the other hand, bring us even more joy. 
To edit our photos, we use other software or applications. It necessitates our time. 
People want the ability to take a photo, edit it on the same platform, and then upload it with a single click. It helps you save time. Unfortunately, Facebook (Meta) lacks sufficient functionality. I recommend a number of features that aid in professional photo editing.

In Conclusion

Social media brings us closer together. It also has a lot of advantages. To avoid the negative effects of social media, we must be cautious and mindful. Features and algorithms will not always assist us unless we set our minds to do so.
